I thought about titling this post What I've Learned, but when the majority of what has come out of my professors mouths is lies, I didn't want to associate that with learning per
I am not naive enough to have thought that I could walk into a classroom at a public university and expect to hear Biblical truths taught. I didn't even expect to hear them accurately described. But the level of lies, heresy and misinformation really has caught me off guard.
Two classes in particular make me want to pull my hair out. Introductions to Women's Studies and Sociology of the Family. (
Nevermind the fact that my other two classes just covered Freud.) The fact that I feel so unprepared and ill-equipped to handle these issues had made me seriously consider homeschooling (but that's another post).
Lie #1- Religion exists to control women's sexuality; the first laws written were about controlling women and their sexuality.Truth: Exodus 20:3"You shall have no other gods before me." The first of the 10 Commandments... this has what to do with sexuality?
Deuteronomy 22:13-30 talks some about what happens to men who violate women.
All of the laws recorded in the Bible were written because God expects his people to be holy, yes he expects even a woman's sexuality to be holy.
Lie#2- Patriarchy is all about the domination of men over women. And the Bible also demeans women.Truth: Wisdom is
referred to as
she/her throughout the proverbs.
Check out Jess's post on
Biblical Descriptions of Women. Several women are listed in Jesus'
genealogy, and women are known for more than making babies.
Debora was a judge,
Ester saved her people from extermination,
Lydia was a merchant; do I even need to mention
Proverbs 31? Scripture has a high view of women. Sure we're capable of royally screwing up, just like men (how's that for equality?), we can be
prostitutes and
quarrelsome, but Jesus rescued more than one wayward woman.
There are so many more I could cover, but I'm not sure you'd read them, so we'll start with these.
Feminists struggle so hard against what they
perceive as value attachments to Men and Women. I am well aware that women make $0.77 to every $1.00 that a man makes. (Or else that's just rhetoric on their
agenda) But even worse is the devaluing of those women who choose to be homemakers.
Ain't I a Woman?