I just had to share some stories about what Daniel is up to these days. His vocabulary is growing daily and the things he says continue to amaze us.
We usually make him walk while we are out telling him he is too heavy to carry. While at the zoo on Friday he told me that he was too heavy to walk!

Botanic Gardens
Over dinner one night he was asking Tommy about a booboo Tommy had on his elbow. The booboo had healed and so Tommy told him, no he doesn't have one. And Daniel said "you had a booboo Daddy." We were impressed with his distinction.

Trinity Park
This morning while laying in bed with Tommy, Daniel said "I love my Daddy." Tommy replied with "I love my Daniel." And Daniel replied with "I love your wife." Love that guy, so sweet.

One Wednesday night Tommy and I both had meetings at church while Daniel was in childcare. After we picked him up and told him we were going home, he pointed to the sanctuary and said "I wanna go in there and sing!" He enjoys church with us while we sing praises to Jesus. I'm so glad he is a part of that with us.

The Backyard Dump-truck
For the longest time he has been mispronouncing a few word, like motorcycle (motormichael) and tractor (tracker). These happen to be some of his favorite things so we have been used to his sweet way of saying things, even talking about motormichaels ourselves. One night while he was in bed I heard him singing and practicing saying motorcycle. I've gotta admit, I'm kinda sad to hear motormichael go the way of the bubbys.