Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Growing so fast
Too Cute!
At his one month weigh in, Daniel was 9 lbs 8 ozs. We measured him last night and came up with 22.5 inches.
Some days are better than others.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Under Control?
First off, I finally typed up my birth story and can e-mail it to anyone interested. It’s about two pages long, or I’d post it here. If I get around to writing a short version, expect to see it here.
I’ve been thinking a lot about babies, specifically how to proceed with number two. No, we have no plans of any kind right now and I am totally not pregnant! I am really seeking God’s will regarding birth control, family planning and things of that nature. In my quest I’ve come across some interesting articles and thought I’d pass them along. It’s a pretty heated topic, and I’d be interested in what you have to say.
A Hard Pill to Swallow- the article that originally influenced my birth control choices about three years ago.
A Funny Song- because you can’t ever take yourself too seriously.
John Piper had some interesting thoughts regarding pre-fall and post-fall directives.
Making Home- An excellent blog that is becoming one of my new favorites -This is a discussion of how birth control has affected the culture we live in.
Tommy and I LOVE being parents and believe God when he says children are a blessing. I think this culture teaches us that children are a burden, are expensive and are an inconvenience. How heartbreaking.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Time for Daniel to wake up

Fishy face

Okay, so this was staged...
...and because nose bulbs don't seem to work.

Everyone smiling
Listen carefully
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
For Granddad
In other news, Daniel will be circumcised tomorrow. Hopefully we can get a good picture of him with the Rabbi beforehand!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Grandparent's Day
Hopefully we can do this again!
Nana and Granddad
Grandma and Grandpa