Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Starting with Sanctity of Life Sunday and recent sermons on adoption at our church, I've really been thinking more about pro-life, and what it means. Is saying that I voted Pro-Life enough? This might be a tough analogy, but was it enough for a German who could smell the smoke of burning bodies to say my vote was for the other guy?

No. It's not enough, not for me.

Pro-Life to me is about more than being against abortion. It's about advocating life. New life, Old life and everything in between.

If children are a blessing, I won't scoff at the family with six kids under age 7. If old folks valuable I won't huff if I'm behind someone shuffling their feet. I should encourage single moms and rejoice at every conception.

Tommy and I have been discussing what more practical ways we can have a positive influence with our limited time and even more limited budget. To be perfectly honest, we haven't come up with much yet. There are a few things we feel like we can do now, and start thinking about for the future:
  • Buy diapers for a pregnancy help center when I find them at super good deals
  • Donate a little extra money as we have it to the adoption fund our church just started
  • Mentor someone about to age out of the foster system
  • Adopt a child in the foster system or internationally
  • Volunteer at a pregnancy help center
  • Loose baby weight so we can have more babies to celebrate
  • Become more educated on abortion, how it is performed and its repercussions
  • Be sure that none of our future doctors perform abortions, and that no hospital we deliver at offer those procedures
  • Make sure vaccines don't come from aborted babies
What will you do? Is voting enough for you?
Please check out these links for some more info

Questions to Consider
50 Ways to Help

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sylar, I mean Tommy, took apart my watches so we could put new batteries in them.

He insisted that we couldn't just go buy batteries, because they are all different sizes. He was careful to write down the letters and numbers of each battery alongside which watch it came out of. Even after realizing they were the same size, he thought maybe some watches needed a higher voltage battery.

We'll see what happens when we go buy batteries.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Books for Spring

Tommy bought 3 used books and 3 new books for $119.02
He is taking:
Hebrew II
Advanced Expository Preaching
Intro to Missiology

I'm thinking his semester will rival last. (Which was his best to date!)

I bought 4 used books and 2 new books for $360.39
I am taking:
Psychology of Personality
Sociology of Individual and Society
Sociology of the Family
Intro to Women's Studies

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become.
Women's Studies!? for which I need the book Feminist Theory. How's submission for a theory?
And Family? Dad, Mom, Kids. Do I get an A?
Personality? how about bound to sin?
Individual? Not I, but Christ.

I'm reminded of that feeling you get before you dive to the bottom of the pool. Deep Breath. Will I make it to the bottom and back again?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good Things

1. 24 starts now.

2. Tommy accidently bought me last Sunday's newspaper. I was so bummed that I forgot to buy one and missed out on lots of great coupons.

3. My dad found a job, in Houston!

4. The moon was way awesome last night. There was a halo around it, I've never seen anything like it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today was Daniel's first try at Avacado. He kept opening his mouth and eating despite the shocked look he gave at every bite. We'll see what it does to his diapers!

Excuse the shaky video, it's worth it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Blogger is giving me a hard time uploading pictures, so check out our trip to Missouri on Facebook.

Daniel tried rice cereal for the first time, and really liked it. I had planned on waiting until closer to six months, but since I'll be going back to school, I thought eating solids would help space out nursing, so he can be away from me longer, and I won't have to pump quite as much.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


We (Me, Tommy, Daniel and Tommy's mom) are going to Missouri to visit Tommy's Grandpa. We will be home on Monday. Please pray that Daniel travels long distances as well as he does short distances.


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