No. It's not enough, not for me.
Pro-Life to me is about more than being against abortion. It's about advocating life. New life, Old life and everything in between.
If children are a blessing, I won't scoff at the family with six kids under age 7. If old folks valuable I won't huff if I'm behind someone shuffling their feet. I should encourage single moms and rejoice at every conception.
Tommy and I have been discussing what more practical ways we can have a positive influence with our limited time and even more limited budget. To be perfectly honest, we haven't come up with much yet. There are a few things we feel like we can do now, and start thinking about for the future:
- Buy diapers for a pregnancy help center when I find them at super good deals
- Donate a little extra money as we have it to the adoption fund our church just started
- Mentor someone about to age out of the foster system
- Adopt a child in the foster system or internationally
- Volunteer at a pregnancy help center
- Loose baby weight so we can have more babies to celebrate
- Become more educated on abortion, how it is performed and its repercussions
- Be sure that none of our future doctors perform abortions, and that no hospital we deliver at offer those procedures
- Make sure vaccines don't come from aborted babies
Please check out these links for some more info
Questions to Consider
50 Ways to Help