I typically like to include a brief note in our Christmas cards to update our friends and family about what has happened over the past year. I plan on mailing out our cards later today, and no such note has been written.
Plenty of good things have happened over the past year: In January Tommy accepted a career position at the Seminary, complete with benefits; in February we bought our first home; in May Tommy graduated from SWBTS with his Masters of Divinity; in August we took our first trip to the beach where we celebrated 5 years of marriage. We continue to enjoy Daniel and his creativity and humor, and all that he teaches us about ourselves and about God.

But it has also been a challenging year. Our church has seen many trials over the past 12 months. Our pastor had to step down for health reasons, an 18 year old young man was killed by a drunk driver in September, last month a friend delivered a stillborn baby boy at 31 weeks, and just this past weekend a young man we met just after moving to Fort Worth passed away after a 4 year battle with brain cancer.

Within our family this year has been difficult. Tommy and I have been trying for nearly a year and a half to get pregnant and have another baby. In this time we have seen nearly every one of our friends grow their families. We conceived this past summer and miscarried at 7 weeks. While I was sad not to have carried the baby to term, I am still amazed at the peace the Lord has brought my heart. His ways are certainly not my ways; his thoughts are far above mine.

I know that our Lord does all things well, even when it challenges my faith and is contrary to ‘my plans.’ He saw fit for Sarah and Elizabeth to remain barren until old age. He remained faithful to them through their doubts and was just as good while they were barren and wanting as he was when he opened their wombs. We have confidence we can trust in his goodness.

While I don’t want to be shy about what the Lord is working in our lives, I hesitated to include a note with all of this in it and omitting it seemed like a sham. So there it is, my Christmas note for all you lovely blog readers.